Riungu Jnr Ikiugu
Kenyans will be always be Kenyans no matter what measures are spelt down and implemented.
For instance, if Kenyans can beat the tight security by our military men along the Somali border and illegally smuggle items and people into the country, what will make these same Kenyans not sneak themselves out of Nairobi, Kilifi and Mombasa to other counties? Nothing will! Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Personal responsibility and will, will help us dear Kenyans.
The 2010 Kenyan Constitution clearly spells out laws against corruption and the its outrightly very clear on the consequences to be taken on those who do not abide by these laws. Buy instead, what do we see? Kenyans stealing right, center and left.
Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Personal responsibility and will, will help us dear Kenyans.
Since independence, for 57 years, Kenya has been fighting tribalism. Political leaders have come and gone. Religious leaders have been there, they have tirelessly preached on tribalism, they have been threatened, jailed and in the worst cases, they have been assassinated while fighting a good battle; to end tribalism. But unfortunately, they have either died or completely silenced before they enjoyed the fruits of their fight. Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Personal responsibility and will, will help us dear Kenyans.
In initial stages against the fight of this deadly virus, the Government and the Ministry of Health stated that anyone who had traveled from abroad must take, at the minimum, 14 days of self quarantine. Sadly and unfortunately, we being Kenyans whose directives all into our deaf ignorance, we saw a few, including a deputy governor and clerics act against this directive. In reality, how many infections do you think we have had as a result of the disrespect to these state directives? Probably many, probably less. Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Personal responsibility and will, will help us dear Kenyans.
Have you been keen to follow each and every national covid-19 update by CS. Mutahi Kagwe? Assumingly, you have. Has he not insisted on the importance of putting on masks if and when you visit public places, supermarkets and drive in public matatus? Has he not always insisted on no gatherings? Has he not been very clear on church gatherings? Yes he has? But again, ignorantly, stupidly and sadly, we have gone against these directives. Personally, I have been very observant on finding out if Kenyans are wearing on masks, but sincerely, only a countable number of Kenyans are doing so. Are we waiting for CS. Mutahi Kagwe to come and put the masks in our faces? We are silly in following instructions but good in screaming and shout out to blame and criticize the slightest mistake. Screaming and shouting to even blame a good deed. Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Personal responsibility and will, will help us dear Kenyans.
For many years now, we [ including me personally] have been tirelessly, objectively and informatively campaigning and fighting to end teenage pregnancy. But again, these campaigns have fell on our usual deaf ears. Though we have nationally recorded a decline in teenage pregnancies, we continue to see and record a rise in the teenage pregnancies in some specific counties. Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Personal responsibility and will, will help us dear Kenyans.
We are good at being our own FBIs for all wrong reasons. Recently, we concluded that Brenda and Brian, Kenyans who courageously overcame the deadly virus, the Government was playing PR. We spent our energies, in criticizing a good deed that was meant to give Kenyans hope. Calories wasted that could have been spent productively elsewhere, say in reading about measures to take against the spread of corona virus. Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Personal responsibility and will, will help us dear Kenyans.
Fellow Kenyans, in an effort to fight this virus, this is a critical time when 'personal responsibility and will', that CS. Mutahi Kagwe spoke about comes into action.
The government will not be there to watch over every step and movement that we make. The Government and the Ministry of Health, in partnership with the World Health Organization, have done [are doing] their best to contain this deadly virus. In the event of failure [as a result of increased community to community transmissions], at least let's not blame the government. Let's blame ourselves because we chose to be ignorant. Ignorance will kill us fellow Kenyans. Personal responsibility and will, will help us dear Kenyans.
Kenyans, we will not help our own selves by we being mischievous, unreasonable, fatuous, dumb-asses and mendacious in the fight against this pandemic. Let's take this battle head-on with our personal responsibility and will as our weapon. That's how we gonna WIN this battle my fellow lovely homo sapiens.
My opinions and views are mine and do not reflect the opinions of the Government, Ministry of Health or opinions and views of Kenyans
Unless Kenyans she themselves in the other person they will not take responsibility to protect themselves as they protect the other person. It takes and individual to act then the rest will lets not wait to see the consequences of non action first. Act and wait for the consequences is the better option.