Am not very sure if you are all familiar with the dragon fly story. Nonetheless, am more certain that you are familiar with the dragonfly itself. During our childhood days, the older boys in the village and in upper primary school back in the days had a very peculiar way of "winning" a girl (s) of their choice. The dragon fly. I remember Mutua Wa Salasio , a huge tall and talkative boy, would boast to us how he had worn the heart of many beautiful, elegant girls. I recall him explaining how the dragonfly was his secret weapon. Every morning during the 10 O’clock classes break, he would gather at a landmark huge stone behind the class 8 classrooms where the older boys would surround him to listen to his hot, funny and dirty stories. No one knew the age and origin of this huge stone but Mutua Wa Salasio, would often tell us how his great grandfather is buried under that stone. The younger boys like me in the lower classes would later often join him in tens, ...